Black magick is a type of magick that is often associated with negative or harmful practices.
Black magick is a type of magick that is often associated with negative or harmful practices.

Black Magick

Black magick is a type of magick that is often associated with negative or harmful practices.

It is often seen as the opposite of white magick, which is focused on the positive, ethical, and benevolent use of energy.

Black magick is often associated with the use of dark or malevolent energies and is often used to bring about negative outcomes, such as harm, revenge, or control over others. This type of magick is often associated with darker aspects of human nature, and is often used to manipulate, control, or dominate others.

Focus on Personal Desire

One of the defining characteristics of black magick is its focus on the self, rather than on the greater good. Black magick practitioners often seek to use their power to further their own interests, rather than to help others or to bring about positive change.

Manipulation of Dark Energy

Another important aspect of black magick is its focus on the manipulation of energy. This can involve the use of spells, curses, and hexes to direct negative energy towards a specific person or situation. These practices are often seen as unethical, as they involve the manipulation of another person’s free will, and can have serious consequences for both the practitioner and the recipient of the spell.

Darker Aspects of the Universe

Black magick also often involves the use of dark symbols, tools, and elements, such as black candles, black stones, and herbs associated with death and decay. These elements can be used to create specific energy and atmosphere, and to connect with the darker aspects of the universe.

Condoned by Traditions

However, it is important to note that dark magick is not a practice that is condoned by many spiritual traditions and is often seen as dangerous and unethical. This is due to the potential consequences of using negative energy, which can result in serious harm, both to the practitioner and to others.


It is important to note that the use of black magick is often seen as a violation of moral and ethical codes, and is considered taboo in many spiritual traditions. Many people view it as a dangerous and potentially harmful practice, and those who engage in it are often seen as unethical or malicious.

Negative Consequences

Black magick can also have negative consequences for the practitioner. The use of negative energy can attract negativity back to the practitioner, and can result in negative outcomes in their own life. This can include negative relationships, health problems, financial difficulties, and other forms of misfortune.

Negative Entities with Black Magick

Another concern with black magick is that it can result in the creation of negative entities, spirits, or energies that can be difficult to remove or control. These entities can continue to influence the practitioner and those around them, causing ongoing harm and suffering.

For these reasons, many practitioners of magick choose to avoid black magick altogether and focus instead on white magick or other forms of magick that are focused on the positive and ethical use of energy. They believe that by focusing on positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions, they can create positive change in their own lives, and in the world around them, without the risks associated with black magick.

In conclusion, black magick is a complex and controversial topic and one that is often surrounded by misconceptions and misunderstandings. While it can be powerful, it is also associated with significant risks and is often seen as an unethical practice. For these reasons, many practitioners choose to avoid it altogether and focus instead on the positive and ethical use of energy.