A circular wheel divided into eight sections, each depicting a symbolic scene representing a different Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year

Wheel of the Year and Sabbats Beginner’s Guide

Unveiling the Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to the Wheel of the Year and Sabbats

Have you ever felt a surge of energy during the spring equinox or a sense of introspection during the fall? These subtle shifts in nature’s rhythm are observed and celebrated in many cultures through seasonal festivals. In Pagan traditions, this cycle is embodied in the Wheel of the Year, a beautiful tapestry woven with eight sacred festivals called Sabbats.

This guide welcomes beginners, to explore the fascinating world of Sabbats. We’ll delve into the meaning of each Sabbat, provide step-by-step instructions for celebrating them, and unveil the specific dates for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

The Enchanting Wheel of the Year

Imagine the Earth journeying around the sun. The Wheel of the Year reflects this movement, marking the solstices (longest/shortest days) and equinoxes (equal day and night) alongside the midpoints between them. These eight points of power are the Sabbats, each with a unique energy and significance.

Understanding the Sabbats: A Journey Through the Seasons

1. Imbolc

February 1st – Northern Hemisphere

August 1st – Southern Hemisphere

Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day, celebrates the awakening of life after winter. It’s a time for purification, creativity, and honoring the returning light.

How to Celebrate:

  • Light candles to symbolize inner fire and inspiration.
  • Sow seeds indoors, nurturing new beginnings.
  • Create art or write poetry to express your creativity.
Welcoming the spring

2. Spring Equinox


March 20th/23rd – Northern Hemisphere

September 22nd/23rd – Southern Hemisphere

Ostara marks the arrival of spring, a time of balance between day and night. It’s a celebration of growth, fertility, and new beginnings.

How to Celebrate:

  • Plant seeds outdoors, symbolizing new ventures.
  • Decorate with spring flowers and colors like green and yellow.
  • Hold an egg decorating or hatching ceremony.

3. Beltane

May 1st – Northern Hemisphere

November 1st – Southern Hemisphere

Beltane, also known as May Day, celebrates the peak of spring, fertility, and passion. It’s a joyous festival filled with fire, feasting, and dancing.

How to Celebrate:

  • Build a bonfire (safely, with proper permits) and jump over it for purification.
  • Decorate a Maypole with ribbons and dance around it.
  • Enjoy a feast with friends and family.

4. Summer Solstice


June 20th/21st – Northern Hemisphere

December 21st/22nd – Southern Hemisphere

Litha, the longest day of the year, celebrates the peak of summer, abundance, and the sun’s power. It’s a time for joy, protection, and expressing gratitude.

How to Celebrate:

  • Gather herbs and flowers at their peak potency.
  • Build a bonfire to honor the sun’s energy.
  • Hold a potluck with seasonal foods to celebrate abundance.
Infusing magick into the mundane

5. Lughnasadh


August 1st – Northern Hemisphere

February 1st – Southern Hemisphere

Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, celebrates the first harvest, the waning summer, and the beginning of preparation for fall. It’s a time for expressing gratitude and community.

How to Celebrate:

  • Bake bread from the first harvest grains.
  • Create corn dollies or other harvest crafts.
  • Host a community potluck with seasonal foods.

6. Autumn Equinox


September 22nd/23rd – Northern Hemisphere

March 20th/23rd – Southern Hemisphere

Mabon marks the arrival of fall, a time of balance between day and night, and the celebration of the second harvest. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and letting go.

How to Celebrate:

  • Create an altar with offerings of gratitude for the harvest.
  • Go for a nature walk and reflect on the changing seasons.
  • Decorate with fall colors like orange, red, and brown.
Young witch conjuring magick from her book of shadows, outdoors in the woods.

7. Samhain

October 31st – Northern Hemisphere

April 30th – Southern Hemisphere

Samhain, also known as Halloween, is a time to honor the ancestors, the veil between worlds thinning, and the darkness before the light returns. It’s a time for introspection, facing our shadows, and honoring the cycle of life and death.

How to Celebrate:

  • Carve a pumpkin and light a candle inside for guidance and protection.
  • Create an altar with offerings to your ancestors.
  • Practice divination

8. Yule

Winter Solstice

December 21st/22nd – Northern Hemisphere

June 20th/21st – Southern Hemisphere

Yule, the shortest day of the year, celebrates the return of the light, the rebirth of the sun, and the promise of new beginnings. It’s a time for family, feasting, and hope for the coming year.

How to Celebrate:

  • Decorate with evergreens, pinecones, and winter colors like red, green, and white.
  • Light candles and a Yule log to symbolize the return of the light.
  • Gather with loved ones for a feast and gift-giving.

Celebrating Sabbats Across the Globe: Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere Dates

As mentioned earlier, the Sabbat dates differ depending on your location in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. This table summarizes the dates for 2024:

SabbatNorthern Hemisphere (Spring Equinox Forward)Southern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox Forward)
ImbolcFebruary 1stAugust 1st
Ostara (Spring Equinox)March 20th/23rdSeptember 22nd/23rd
BeltaneMay 1stNovember 1st
Litha (Summer Solstice)June 20th/21stDecember 21st/22nd
Lughnasadh (Lammas)August 1stFebruary 1st
Mabon (Autumn Equinox)September 22nd/23rdMarch 20th/23rd
SamhainOctober 31stApril 30th
Yule (Winter Solstice)December 21st/22ndJune 20th/21st

Embracing the Wheel of the Year: A Journey of Self-Discovery

The Wheel of the Year is more than just a calendar of festivals. It’s a profound connection to nature’s rhythms, offering opportunities for personal growth and reflection. By celebrating the Sabbats, you can:

  • Deepen your connection to nature: Observe the changing seasons and appreciate the Earth’s cycles.
  • Practice mindfulness: Use each Sabbat as a prompt for introspection and personal growth.
  • Build community: Celebrate with friends and family, fostering a sense of belonging.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to celebrate the Sabbats. Start by choosing a Sabbat that resonates with you and explore simple ways to connect with its energy. As you delve deeper, you’ll discover a wealth of traditions, rituals, and practices that enrich your life and connect you to the magic of the natural world.

Wheel of The Year Pagan properties and metaphysical associations in witchcraft.

Digital downloads for your grimoire.

Wheel of the Year Properties


Wheel of the Year Actual Wiccan Dates 2024
