Wheel of the Year Properties


49-page Wiccan Wheel of the Year properties and associations in witchcraft cross-referenced. Printable Book of Shadows Grimoire Pages.



Witchcraft wheel of the year properties and associations digital pack.

Wheel of the year associations: Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, & Samhain associations and properties in witchcraft. Book of Shadow PDF.

49-page Wiccan Wheel of the Year associations and properties cross-referenced. Printable Book of Shadows Grimoire Pages.

Prepare for the upcoming cycles and festivals.

Cross-reference meanings, properties, ceremonies, etc of the Eight Sabbats in the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.

Incorporating the corresponding energies of the cycles with your Magick draws upon their power and boosts your magick if that is your will.

The Wheel of the Year Associations

49 Printable high-resolution JPEGs for your Book of Shadows.
A printer-friendly version is included.

Unlock the mysteries of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year associations with our comprehensive 49-page Book of Shadows PDF. Dive into the associations and properties of each Sabbat, including Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain. Cross-referenced for easy access, this grimoire offers a valuable resource for witches seeking to align their magickal practice with the natural cycles. Utilize the correspondences of each Sabbat to enhance your rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork. As you prepare for the upcoming cycles and festivals, let the wisdom within these pages guide you in harnessing the potent energies of the Wheel of the Year, amplifying the power of your magickal intentions.

Pagan Wheel of the Year Magickal Associations

A detailed cross-reference guide to the Wheel of the Year’s associations in witchcraft.

Wheel of the Year properties digital PDF pack download includes:

  1. Introduction poem to the Wheel of the Year
  2. Solstice & equinox
  3. The Sabbats
  4. Properties
  5. Creatures
  6. Botanicals
  7. Symbols
  8. Divinity
  9. Magick
  10. Meaning
  11. Ceremonies
  12. Threshold and energy
  13. Wiccan Dates in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
  14. Nine blank charts and a blank page.
  15. Two-page spread for each of the eight Sabbats with all the above information.

Metaphysical Associations Used In The Wheel of the Year Pack

Sabbats, solstice/equinox, origin, other names, meaning, northern hemisphere dates, Southern Hemisphere dates, threshold, planet, horoscope, element, gender, colour, gemstones, animals, mythical beings, foods, herbs/plants/flowers, incense/oils, symbols, symbolism, runes, tarots, motif, gods, goddesses, archangels, significance, essence, meaning, purpose, rituals, hailing, traditions, customs.

Wheel of the Year Properties PDF Pack:

PDF 1 – 49 Printable JPGs – Full color
 on a vintage background
PDF 2 – 49 Printable PNGs – Full color on a transparent background (printer friendly)


8.5 * 11 inches
High Resolution
300 dpi

Additional information


Personal non-commercial use.


300 DPI, High-Resolution


8.5 x 11 inches

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